Nitro Swimming – Premier Sponsor of Colin’s Hope Triathlon

Nitro Swimming has been the Premier Sponsor of the Colin’s Hope Triathlon since its inception – for 5 straight years.

Colin’s Hope is an organization dedicated to preventing drowning. They work tirelessly in the community striving to reach as many at risk people as possible. Nitro Swimming is proud to be a big financial supporter of Colin’s Hope each year, and we are very proud to be able to help.

Quick story: One week ago, at the conclusion of the 2013 Kids Triathlon, the founder of Colin’s Hope Jeff Holst had mentioned to Tracy that they had fallen short of the $25,000 fundraising goal for the event. Without batting an eye, Tracy Koleber, Owner of Nitro,  stepped up and said that she’d cover whatever the difference was so that Colin’s Hope would meet their target. That’s what drives Nitro Swimming.

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Nitro Swimming